Aug 7, 2008

Puli Upma 2 (pulima)


I finally logged in to my blogger account and thought of editing this post.  I made this pulima yesterday for my dad. . Here is the recipe for making pulima.

  1. Rice flour - 2 cups
  2. Tamarind water - 2 cups
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
  5. Sesame oil - 5 tbsp ( or even more)
  6. Mustard seeds - 1/4 tsp
  7. Urad dhall - 1/2 tsp
  8. Asafoetida powder - a pinch
  9. Curry leaves - few
  10. Red chillies - 2 (acc to taste)
  • First take the rice flour, add salt and turmeric powder to it. 

  • Add required amount of tamarind water (more or less than 2 cups) and make it a smooth paste. 

  • Now pre heat oil, add mustar seeds, when it splutters add urad dhall, red chillies, curry leaves and asafoetida powder and fry it till golden brown. 
  •  Now add the rice flour paste and stir it continuously till the flour fully cooks. 
  • The paste will scramble if its fully cooked. 
  • Reduce the flame and sprinkle a hand full of water and cover it with a lid for 2 mts. 
  •  Again open and stir it. Let it be on the flame for another 2 mts.

This can be a evening tiffin and can be eaten with a dallop of yogurt. This is very easy to make and spicy lovers will love this.


Nidhi said...

Your recipe looks nice, and is definitely new to me...though looks very similar to Poha!

Dershana said...

Nice dish. i make the same type but with buttermilk instead of tamarind! will try this.

this is my first visit to your blog. do visit me too at

Vidhya said...

Yep nidhi, its very easy and quick to make. Spicy lovers will like this.

Thanks dershana for the visit. will check your blog too.

Anonymous said...

Hey vidhya..very nice puli upma...i totally forgot about it....should make it soon..can't wait..
BTW thanks for linking my page from yours..i will link yours from mine soon too..

Jaya !! said...

Hi , I tried this..somehow my pulima sticks together...what should i do to get the scrambled texture .THank you :)

Vidhya said...

Hi Jaya!!, I learned this recipe from my patti. According to her there are three reasons why this upma becomes sticky. One is the quality of the rice flour we use, second one is the amount of tamarind water (the consistency of the batter should be like a smooth paste and not like dosa batter) and the third one is the quantity of oil we use....

Jaya !! said...

Thankyou for the tip Vidhya :) I follwed you suggestion and
I tried this yesterday and it came out great !