- Banana - 1
- Dates - 4
- Black Raisins - 2 tsp
- Honey - 2 tbsp
- Butter - 1 tbsp
- Cashew - few
- Almonds - few
- Sugar - 1 tbsp

Soak dates and raisins for 10 mts in water. Drain water, put it in a blender along with peeled banana. Smash those and keep it aside. Take a pan, pre heat butter add cashew and almonds and fry it till golden brown. Now add the grounded banana to it, add honey and sugar and mix everything well. Refrigerate it and have it with a dallop of ice cream of your favorite flavor. It was really. Pudding may taste like Panchamirtham!!
This is a very different recipe.. Sounds so delicious.. will try it soon..
Looks nice...something different..gud one
Thanks Sujatha, It tastes really good too.
thanks priti
The photos are so cute. They look like eye with eyebrows! :)
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